Friday, 22 January 2016

Dear all –
 A bit of an update:

Two weeks of 24/7 stabilization in the cervical brace has done Kirstin some good – her neck/head pains, and bouts of vertigo and instability when moving, are less than they were…which means she’s been able to lower her morphine dose a bit. Whether that will have to start rising again now that her body’s going to start missing its usual meds will wait to be seen. At least conducting conversation is not usually painful anymore! Sleep is a challenge – she’s never really comfortable – but that’s the trade-off for the protection. She had the MRI but will not see the neurosurgeon until next Friday to discuss the results. We’re taking it as a good sign that nothing unexpected has shown up, that the appointment is not until then.  Hopefully on Friday we will have a better sense of when the surgery is to be, more specifics on the radiology results, etc. In the interim we’ve had the incredible gift of both medical friends and friends with fusion and C1/C2 damage experience, with whom to converse. Our next-door neighbour (who has had RA for 38 yrs) had a full C-fusion performed by the same department just 2 years ago, and was full of great advice, information – and lectures! [well-warranted] J It was really good to talk to someone who knew about the situ from an RA perspective. Another local friend is well-familiar with the department (and the joints!), and both have confirmed the good reputation of the neurosurgeon now assigned to Kirstin. The overview from friends of the medical data suggests that the surgery is likely to be the least invasive one: the fusing of the atlas & the axis. ‘Here’s hoping! An evening with another friend who is a Rheumatologist (in town for a workshop), gave an opportunity for even more questions, advice, insight, etc. How incredible that we have so many folk in our lives who can give such specialized input!

We will update after next appt. In the meantime, so many thanks for your care, prayer, support. It means a lot to us.

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