Wednesday, 8 June 2016

All good

Kirstin's now in the recovery room waking up - we'll be allowed in in about 30 minutes.  Dr A just came out to see me and reports that all went smoothly.  Only had to fuse C1 and C2 (if the bone quality had been poor, he might have had to fuse the occiput/skull as well which would have resulted in much more motion restriction afterwards).  They took the bone graft from the iliac crest and did the rod&pin method along with a little fence wire...

Depending on pain level, he expects she will be able to leave by the weekend!

Oh, and I didn't want to share this earlier - but as Bruce and I were leaving the hospital this morning, we saw the surgeon coming in.  He was carrying 'Guide to Operating Techniques' under his arm.  I said hello and made fun of him.  Not sure if he was really doing some last minute reading or what!


  1. Great news! So happy everything went smoothly. Lots of love from the Buffiere family

  2. Great news! So happy everything went smoothly. Lots of love from the Buffiere family

  3. Wonderful news. All our love to both of you from Cathy, Gwil, and Pierre

  4. Hurray! "Guide to operating techniques" is better than "surgery for dummies," but that would've unnerved glad it went well!

  5. So glad to hear that everything went well, Greg!! Thanks for posting! Much love to you both.

  6. Really glad to hear that despite the last minute reading everything went well. Lots of love from Michael, Ilona, Julian, Lenny and Enzo

  7. Great news - lots of love to you both, Rachel, Trevor and Deb xxx

  8. Kirstin - I just discovered this blog and wasn't aware of your surgery. I'm so thankful things went well. I'll be praying for a quick recovery so that you can get back to doing all of the things you love most! I'm hoping to be in Arnprior next month and will most definitely be in touch! Love you! Patti K.

  9. Thanks for keeping us in the loop! Found myself in the garden today. The only place to pray on days like these!
    Such good news!!
    Chelle & Dave

  10. Thanks for the updates, Greg. Sending prayers for a swift and thorough recovery. Much love, Sandra.

  11. Such good news! Continued prayers for healing from the surgery. Thank you for the updates. xoxo

  12. Oh we had hoped and prayed that the surgery would be without any hassle. May the recovery go equally smoothly. Love from us all here gathering in Edinburgh, Simon and Matt and the Wilkinsons amongst them. We will pray for you.

  13. Oh my, Kirstin, I missed the earlier news and only just found out now about your surgery. So glad that your medical team caught this in time to address the problem.

    My grandmother (who like you developed aggressive RA at an early age) underwent a cervical fusion many years ago. It really helped to reduce her pain.

    Sending best wishes to you for a smooth recovery and a successful return to the anti-TNFs so you can resume your activities. Your presence brightens so many people's lives. Know that you are in our thoughts! —Jennifer K.
