Thursday, 9 June 2016

First full day of recovery marked by nothing particularly dramatic.  Best sleep for Kirstin in months due to the quantity of morphine and a handy catheter (if you ever get a choice, the Kendal Precision 400 is to be recommended...)

Pain control has been difficult to manage, and although the hospital has a dedicated 'pain team', one of them turned up in the afternoon but the lidocaine didn't start flowing till this evening.  Quite a bit of nausea as well, but we have been remembering my grandfather's advice that one should consume strawberry jam when nauseous - it tastes the same coming up as going down.

We saw the physio for the first time today, who got Kirstin onto her feet and over to a chair.  It didn't work out great, and so we'll try again tomorrow.  We petitioned to keep the catheter for another night so are hoping for a second night without movement and hopefully some recuperative rest.

Kirstin isn't up for visitors at the moment, but once we get a feel for the length of time she will be here then we will try to come up with a plan.

Thanks for all the warm messages - I've been reading them to Kirstin and she smiles a lot.  Our _amazing_ seventh line neighbours made a photo poster (see below) that I've stuck to the ceiling of the room (fortunately avoided anyone from health & safety monitoring my technique).  When Kirstin came back from the x-rays this morning she laughed to see it!


  1. Pray for a fast recovery, Kirsten!Still need to come out to ur place for a visit.

  2. You do have to love Seventh Liners, one and all! Better yet, would have loved to watch the one Seventh Liner manoeuvre the poster to that high ceiling��!! R

  3. Really good to hear, Greg. Much love to Kirsten and to yourself. Mark (Elliott)

  4. I'm loving the poster. :)

  5. I'm only just catching up on all this news. I remember you both with great fondness, G&K, and would love to see you again one day. If you're ever over in Blighty ...
    Dan (& Andrea) Clark

  6. The strawberry jam advice sounds very interesting. Made me laugh.

    1. Indeed! I just made some this morning (strawberry jam) I'll try to give some to Mike for you Kirstin, one never knows, it might help. Although I do hope nausea's gone away long ago when you get it.
      I wish we had a picture of you, right in the middle of your marvellous stick-a-picture-above-the-bed technique Greg!
      Hope you get better days after days Kirstin. Plein de bises à tous les deux. Noëlle

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
